wtorek, 3 kwietnia 2012

Blog reader favourite men

I found your internet-blog and I liked it – because I’m 46 years old and LOVE older, mature men too! They could be camioneri (truck-drivers, LKW-Fahrer?!) or farmers or something else. I want to send you a portrait of my personal favorite older-man! He is the father of a school friend of mine, an ex-landlord (in suit, woof!) and farmer in Germany. I love his brute farmer-charming face, his BIG nose and EARS!!!! Funny: I know his son’s cock, from playing around when we were between 14 and 16 years old – and if his father has only the half size of the cock of him … my dear, it could be a huge cock! So, this must stay a fantasy, and that since more than 40 years!

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